Stacy Harris is a middle school science educator with experience teaching in Nebraska and Kansas. Harris received her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from K-State in 1994 and MS in Curriculum and Instruction from Nebraska University in 1998. She also received her National Board Certification in 2018 and has an Accomplished Certification.
Known nicknames: PinkScience Diva and Pink Diva
With K-State: Since 2024
Favorite part of the job: New Experiences, meeting new people, and helping teachers.
Go-to energy saving moves: Programmable thermostat that we can change lower or higher when no one is home. Washing all clothes in cold water. Running dishwasher when it is full only.
Hobbies: singing with my jazz band-PinkDiva and the Jazz Masters, fashion, and social time with friends and family
Favorite food/drink: Ice Cream and any kind of soda water.